Faith Spilling Over… Into Everyday Life


Why Jesus is Good News for Tired Super Women

Jesus is good new for tired superwomen

When I had a baby and a toddler, it was hard to get away from home and take a break.  I’d barely manage to get myself dressed to leave the house. I’d dash out the door, meet a girlfriend for coffee, then race back home to rescue my husband. Before the car pulled into the driveway, Jose would come outside with the kids. He’d hand the baby over to me, and my toddler would wrap himself around my legs. I’d go inside to find toys all over the house.

Sometimes I wondered if it was worth it. It would take the kids an hour to get enough of mommy after I’d been gone. And it would take me an hour to pick up the house.

But the hardest thing about it? I felt guilty. Continue reading